Our Uniqueness

What Sets Us Apart …Our Uniqueness

TRICOL is unique in many ways. As a College, we are judged by the quality of our teaching, the results of our examinations, and the character of our students. TRICOL has a reputation for good results in both national and international examinations. Our students have been representing Nigeria in international competitions and have won laurels in contests such as the Cowbell Mathematics Competition and the Science Olympiad.
Our representatives have also excelled in scholarship examinations in the United World Colleges (UWC) and the African Leadership Academy (ALA). On account of this, most of our alumni are in reputable universities in Nigeria and abroad

Our Class size

TRICOL Class Size

The maximum class size at Trinity International College is twenty-five (25) students. Sometimes, students are taught in smaller groups to enhance their learning experience. The teaching/learning experience is enhanced by the use of the interactive boards in all our classrooms.

The progress of each students is closely monitored by the counsellors and teachers (year tutors, subject teachers and class teachers). Remedial lessons are given to the less able students and progress reports sent to their parents.

Spiritual Life & Chaplaincy

TRICOL is a complete institution, going beyond the physical care of the child. There is a pastoral care system in place for the spiritual needs of the students. Colloge chaplains are always on ground to render help in this regard. Although Christian principiles are fundermental to the school’s orientation, students from a variety of religious and cultural backgrounds are admitted into the school. All beliefs are respected and yet all members of staff in TRICOL share the christians faith.
Corporate worship starts each day and every student is expected to take part. There are weekly Sunday Services, Monday Bible Study (Junior Students), Wednesday Bible Study (Senior Students) and Saturday Solemn Hours. We also have morning and evening devotion as well as daily prayer menu, ten-minutes prayer session after the third period.
The first day of every month is tagged, ‘Trinity Day’, a day set aside by the whole TRICOL community to seek the face of God in prayer and fasting

tricol staff

The Staff

Academic qualifications and expertise, teaching experience and an ability to relate to young ones from different backgrounds, are the criteria by which TRICOL teachers are selected.

The teaching staff is incredibly friendly, supportive and approachable. Teaching is of the highest quality, made it interesting and appealing to all students. TRICOL’s enthusiastic staff motivates students to learn and achieve their full potential.

In-service training, workshops and seminars are regularly organised to keep the staff up to date.

Virtually all the academic staff members live within the perimeter of the College thereby giving the students the privilege of meeting their teachers for help even after school hours


Adequate health care facilities and qualified medical personnel make TRICOL stand out. Prompt medical services are provided by trained and experienced resident nurses, along with the College Matron and nursing supervisors. A general practitioner and a paediatrician visit at least twice a week, and they are readily available in cases of emergency. Each student is required to bring a medical report to the school on resumption. This gives knowledge of the medical history of each child. Such records are kept in the clinic, and the kitchen is notified if any student exhibits symptoms of food allergy. It is compulsory that all students are registered with the school clinic, and if, or whenever, a child is too ill to attend classes, he/she is admitted into the sickbay for medical treatment.
However, where a child requires more than minimal medical treatment, the child is either transferred to a bigger health facility or referred to the family doctor through the parents.

Gaudiance & Counselling Section

Counselling Service

The Counselling Unit of TRICOL is well-resourced to offer assistance to students with educational, social, personal, moral, health, or emotional concerns through confidential individual or group counselling sessions. Students get detailed advice about higher education and career choices. Special programmes such as education fair, career talks, and others are regularly organised for the students’ enlightenment on career opportunities.

Current information on subjects leading to various careers and institutions of higher learning that offer such courses within the country and abroad, is released to parents and students. The Guidance Counsellors are on hand 24/7 to help the students when they need to speak in confidence with them about any private and personal concerns. They also help to identify problems and solve them.

Future-oriented Programmes

As a forward-looking College, TRICOL prepares her students for life after school, helping them make informed career choices.

The school organises work experience programme for SS1 students. The programme helps them have first-hand knowledge of their chosen career. Students are attached to the organisations of their choice for a few weeks. They are monitored during the exercise and evaluated at the end of it.

The students participate in a citizenship and leadership training programme before the end of their secondary school career. This helps to equip them in the area of leadership as it precedes the election of the student leaders (prefects). Students governance is a very interesting aspect of student life in TRICOL.

Training For Tomorrow

tricol staff

Accommodation: Total Living

At TRICOL, boarding is a happy alternative to home. Our boarding system is comfortable, warm and student- friendly.

TRICOL boarding aims at inculcating in its students the spirit of independence, time management and self- confidence. There are seven hostel units; three for girls and four for boys. In order to check bullying, the juniors have different hostels from the seniors. The hostels are split into comfortable rooms. Common rooms and centre courtyards are incorporated in the design of the hostel. Each hostel is under the care and supervision of resident house parents, adults who are experienced in handling adolescents. They ensure the happiness and positive integration of every student in their care. The house parents are assisted by house masters/house mistresses. The students are placed in houses – Red (Joy), Blue (Faith), Yellow (Hope) and Green (Victory).

There is regular contact between the house parents and academic staff on the progress of the students, so as to ensure coordination between the classroom and the hostel. The hostels, though comfortable and sociable, are not unduly indulgent.


Our College has a varied and rich food menu- nutritious and healthy Nigerian meals prepared by professionals under hygienic conditions. Every child is encouraged to eat his or her meal and there are usually two options to choose from. On medical grounds, a student’s preferred meal will be provided, and this would have been revealed in the medical report submitted by the student at the point of entry.

During long break, in between lessons, students also have access to snacks which are supplied by the tuck shops. In the light of the foregoing, provisions from home are not allowed.

Community Service

During the school’s 20th anniversary celebrations in November 2015, it laid the foundation of a town hall for the use of the Ofada community in continued, practical demonstration of rapport with the community

Corporate Social Responsibility

TRICOL recognises the importance of its relationship with the immediate environment and encourages students to assume the responsibility of rendering help to the community. TRICOL students, having the opportunity of being educated in such a privileged environment, therefore serve the local community in practical ways. Our students assist in general cleaning of the public health centres and donate medical equipment and other items regularly.

TRICOL has endowed a scholarship scheme for exceptional indigenes of Ofada as a mark of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This, the college plans to carry out regularly for eligible candidates.

Contact with Home

To ensure the happiness of the students in a boarding school, regular contact with parents is very important. House parents call students’ parents on phone when the need arises and parents can also call the hostel to speak with their children at specified times. Parents can also call the school to discuss their children’s challenges.

On Open Days, parents have the opportunity of meeting the staff one-on-one to discuss their children’s academic activities and well-being.

Parents are permitted to visit their children on the last Sunday of every month, from 12noon – 5:30pm. They are allowed to bring in light refreshment just enough for their children

Parents may celebrate their children’s birthdays on the visiting day of the month on which the birthdays fall.

Open Day

tricol staff
tricol staff

Accommodation: Total Living

Clubs and Societies

Through the activities of clubs and societies, our students are enriched. They discover, develop, exhibit, and value their talents. These club activities offer TRICOL students opportunities to acquire skills that will enable them cope with higher responsibility and become more independent.

The clubs in the school include, but are not limited to, Junior Engineers, Technicians and Scientists (JETS) Clubs, Cultural and Dramatic Society, Judiciary Club, and the Literary and Debating Club, which is compulsory for all. All students are expected to belong to not more than three clubs.

Intercollegiate Competitions

TRICOL is not about academic activities alone, but also gingers a healthy competitive spirit in the students through sporting contests and activities with other schools.

Our school organises, and also honours invitation to intercollegiate competitions which help the students socialise, discover their talents, and learn to handle competition in the areas of sports, music, creative arts, and the academics

Sports Fiesta